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I need a hat

Does anyone have a hat like this that I could have. Ya know the 50's style derby dress hat? Let me know moeview (at) gmail


i've been trying to locate a fez for the longest time...if anyone has one of those...

I have a fez and I'm looking for a pith helemt..no really, I do have a shriners fez but alas, I'm keeping it. It's hard for me to find hats..people from the vintage times used to have tiny heads

Aaron, call Kyle's friend Trish. She said she has one.

Thrift shop fedora oh the horrah! Ok, thats a cool hat.

You can still buy these new, however cost($) > free + old hat smell. I looked into these once...a nice vintage Dobbs fedora goes for ~ fifteen bucks on ebay.

The last time I saw one of these I was 7. The man wore a matching trenchcoat, unbuttoned, but wrapped tightly around his large body. He then said that he wanted to show me something really neat.

Oh, one of those? I've got one of those! Gimme a call! I thought you meant a derby, like this:

Call me - I've got a nice black one.

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