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So....no one cared to write about the fireworks this year? I guess I'll have to step up to the plate here....

I had a blast!!!! I was at the Old Skyline Wall, out in Gary. You could see everyones fireworks from there beforehand, and Duluths and Superiors (Duluths started before and ended after, we win.) It was really nice, I haven't been in a few years! I didn't know where to go that wouldn't be extra crowded, but it wasn't too bad up there. There was plenty of sitting room on the wall, and everyone was way happy with each other. With as many people as there were there, I expected a few people to get angry. So yeah, just wanted to mention we win.

Anyone else find any good places to watch?


I found i good spot is was behind Grandma's makert it was a perfect view of the fireworks.

Is it just me or is Duluth really into amateur fireworks? The whole day they were going off. It was an epic show.

They started earlier than they were supposed to. I had to pull over on Mesaba to watch them. I am peeved about this.

Anyone and everyone who was out of town and watched fireworks at their visiting destination said, "The fireworks were fantastic in (insert your town of vacation destination here). Way better than Duluth's." Why is it that Duluth's fireworks get a bum rap?
My two cents is that this year's show was mediocre. Duluth's New Year fireworks is much better. All in all, I am way happy the 4th is over and the neighbors ran out of fireworks (5-9 year olds running wild at midnight shooting off huge illegal fireworks).

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