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What's your best guess?


What new and exciting commerce will be taking place at 517 N. Central Ave.?


I'm going to guess that it will be the latest Clearwire authorized retailer. That seems like safe money.

maybe the hip hop candy shop has relocated.

It's going to sell Mario power ups!

Portable Dance Pole store. Trust me, it will be the new rage.

What? It's not going to be Larry's TV anymore?

I think it may be the new Riddler hideout. In any case, I'm going to have to keep an eye on this place.

Don't panic, Adam. Larry's TV hasn't closed. It's on the north side of Central Sports. It's almost in the picture, but mostly cropped out.

It's a punctuation shop! This week's special... question marks! Next week we will be taking in your misused quotation marks. Come to our free how-to class "Your Friend, the Apostrophe!" or "Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law."

It's a group home for confused people.

I honestly know what this is going to be.

But the secret proprietor would like to remain wrapped in mystery. At least for a while.

I will divulge the information in return for an opening slot at the Wilco show.


p.s. anyone going to the Feist show tomorrow?

bob's card shop, mk II

It's where you turn in your quest, obviously!

Sheesh, am I the only one who plays World of Warcraft around here?

Its is waldo's house

lol. I've been lugging around these goddamned kodo hides for ever.

Word on the street is that will be the new Charlie's Club. It will be a wee bit more intimate than the last one.

Seriously though, I'll guess something political in nature.

I have it on good authority that this is the new home of Nancy's Experimental Tea and Frisbee Supply Outlet.

It's not Charlie Bell's campaign office (313 N. Central Ave.), and it's not Greg Gilbert's (325 N. Central Ave.), so maybe it's Mr. Nice's campaign office.

A Duluth chapter of the ? and the Mysterians fan club?

the local Scientology office?


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