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News from Chester Creek - 3 Items

So please do not flame me if I am not doing this accrding to your normal conventions
We are looking for line cooks - at Chester Creek Cafe
There is a debt retirement party for Becky Lourey on Tuesday the 26th at our house 1924 East 8th at 5PM - Please come- BBQ and red wine - bring $$$
Is anyone interested in a soap box derby down 19th ave east over labor day?


Yeah, I've definitely noticed the phenomenon of web communities getting bitchy when newbies color outside the lines in any small way. Like at http://www.dailykos.com/, which I adore, the insanely democratic "diaries" are excellent platforms for literally anyone to reach a large readership - but heaven help you if you do it contrary to the accepted cultural norms. This site has its own self-elected bitches, but it was definitely worse in the past...my philosophy is the more posts the better, no matter what.

BTW this and the above comment are by the Professor but no matter what I try, it always signs me in as the Candidate when I use the Candidate's computer. Anyway, not to detract from Becky Lourey and the line cook shortage at Chester Creek..

I'd be up for the soapbox down 19th If it were more looge(sp?) like and invloved forcing drunk freshman from "college" to flee out of the way. BTW, during the last big snow dump a few of us snowboarded down 20th E. Good Times.

I thought they already had a soap box derby down 19th Ave. E.

i'd totally be down for a Nuge down 19th Ave.

Nuge...Naked Luge.

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