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Still in the middle of production (GOD ROCKS!) and we're getting close to the end...but I need your help (again!)...

We're looking for a grocery store to shoot a very short, small scene in - basically 2 characters are shopping/arguing over produce (or...whatever)....we've come up short so far (Co-op, 4th Street Market) and before we go kamikazee style....we're wondering if anyone has any grocery/market connections? This would 2 actors, 1 camera, some wireless mics, a couple crew people and that's it. no more than 2 hours (MAX).....

Anyway - if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them! carrie(at)4trackfilms(dot)com


The Whole Foods Co-op? I don't work there, but some of our fellow PDD'ers do.

Fellow PDD'ers?


I just shot a photo for an ad banner at Mt Royal. They were very accomodating. We had lights, carts of equipment, assistants etc for about 2 hours early in the AM. I think the manager's name is Steve.

Steve's a good guy. I don't know him well, but I used to work at the church where he attends. I can understand the hesitancy of stores. It's a pretty big disruption.

Is the co-op out out? Shannon who works as a manager there is really into theater and I would think she'd be supportive.

If it's a scene with produce, could you shoot it at one of the farmer's markets?

Thanks for all your comments! We tried the co-op initally but it just didn't work out.... sounds like Mount Royal will work perfectly! Thanks for the suggestion!

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