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I would like to proudly announce the new, improved, and easy-to-manage PDD Links page.

PDD Links is a local blog aggregator that will collect and syndicate as many Twin Ports-related blogs as possible. I've already added nearly 50 blogs from the area. If all works properly, recent posts from local bloggers will appear at the top of the page.

I hope it turns out to be a good resource for all of us. Bloggers will attract more readers. Readers will find new blogs to follow. It's win-win.

If you author a blog, or have a favorite blog that should be listed, please e-mail me ([email protected]) with the URL of that blog's feed.

Also, maybe we should discuss if any other RSS-driven media should be included, such as DNT headlines or whatnot.


Looks great Barrett! Kudos to you!

That's pretty slick. I'm ambivalent about DNT headlines

Thanks barrett ~ How about instead of DNT headlines, it generates old Ripsaw headlines ... ?

Um ... yeah. I suppose in some alternate universe where old headlines became new every day, that might work.

I'd like it post links to new Transistor articles, but the Tranny doesn't have feeds.

Thanks for linking my random corner of the web.
However, when I try to view the RSS feed for the site you created (yes, the RSS feed of the RSS feed), it appears empty. :(

Thanks for the button on the sidebar! Mmmm... linky goodness.

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