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Duluth: the Movie



that's the funniest thing i've seen in fifteen minutes!

I love the fact that the trailer opens with the Jack Fontaine's patented "In a world..."

Kudos to HTK and visit duluth for trying innovative stuff. A possibly picky critique, the back story stuff and the multiple names of actors are a bit confusing. But all in all, a great way to quickly showcase our town...thank god they continue to NOT highlight parkpoint.

Duluth is off the hook! I can't wait to see this movie... I was born n' raised there. ... Bob Dylan forever!!!!

Piece From Africa,

Anderz the MANderz!!!

Duluth is off the hook! I can't wait to see this movie... I was born n' raised there. ... Bob Dylan forever!!!!

Piece From Africa,

Anderz the MANderz!!!

Duluth is off the hook! I can't wait to see this movie... I was born n' raised there. ... Bob Dylan forever!!!!

Piece From Africa,

Anderz the MANderz!!!

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