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Saturday Nite!

Okay, friends. Now I'm going to talk to you about something very dear to my heart.

The Rank Strangers are a great, great band. And I can prove it! Go to their myspace thing-- www.myspace.com/rankstrangers-- and listen to "Rayner Park". Or "Khan". Or "My Genius". You'll see.

However, the last two times the Rank Strangers have played in Duluth, attendance has been real sparse. So much so, in fact, that by the time they took the stage, the only people really left in the Red Lion were me, the people I brought with me, and the bitter, old red lion regulars muttering to themselves at the bar ("someone ought to throw these fuckers into oncoming traffic. This is garbage music. Garbage.")

Now most bands would find this deeply demoralizing. But the Rank Strangers are a very resilient sort. Thus-- this Saturday night, at 10:00 PM, the Rank Strangers will be playing with Gus Watkins (who is also excellent-- www.myspace.com/guswatkins) at the Red Lion Lounge. The Cover is TWO DOLLARS, which is cheap cheap cheap, and the black label beer is practically free.

So do come, if you're free. I promise it'll be worth it.


Check out this Brad Zellar article about the Rank Strangers from 1996: http://citypages.com/databank/17/792/article2519.asp

i've been a fan of the strangers since my st. paul coffee shop days years ago. that's the best thing about working in a dirty smokey coffee shop .. i got to play what ever i wanted and nothing fits that vibe better than them .. although this is tough .. painted saints are playing at the brewhouse and their music makes my heart ache .. sigh .. what to do .. what to do ..

I've seen that article. It's a good one.

Tracydee-- watch an hour of the painted saints (who Are really good) and wander over to the Red Lion in time to catch the Rank Strangers. It's the perfect solution.

yes, please!

i will be there rich.

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