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You're Wired!


What: PDD Game Night
When: Monday, April 2 at 6pm-ish
Where: Robin Goodfellow's

Food is generally ordered. Fun is generally had. Intensity varies. Come and have fun with your fellow PDDers!

I may be a few minutes late, but I will be there!


Aaron and I won't be there tonight. Neither of us is feeling very well. :/ Hope you have a fun time!

This is that place where all the dirtbags without girlfriends hang out. The one owned by that Socialist City Councilor (thank God he's not running for another term). "Let's all play boardgames with little statues of trolls, demons and monkeys until 2:00 a.m." What do you freaks want to be when/if you grow up? Stick a knife in yourselves already so our streets will be cleaner.

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