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Video+Animation+Games Symposium

atari2600.jpgThe Video, Animation & Games Symposium will be held at UMD on Friday April 27 from 10 am until 7 pm in the UMD Ballroom. This event is FREE and open to the public!

The main audience will be students and professional videographers, artists and programmers. Some of the people presenting from UMD/Duluth are running a vr lab (with helmet), a game usability testing lounge and an animation demonstration. Students will have the opportunity to try the x-box 360 and other games and video equipment. The Symposium will also have a video theatre featuring locally made videos.

Hands-on video production activities may include how to create family history films, TV commercials and learning digital storytelling techniques. Students will have a chance to meet industry professionals and university professors specializing in video, games and animation. There will be about five speakers throughout the day, as well as stations where students can try video, game-making and animation creation techniques.

HCIS Students will be there sharing the wonderful world of blender.


Bait and switch. Judging by the pic, I thought this post was going to be about the Atari 2600. I'm a bit of an old school gamer.

I've never been more homesick in my entire life.


Is there any set schedule for these presenters, or will there just be things set up all day? What about the speakers?

not sure of the schedule...Maya guy and 3D studio max guy will be there

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