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Use Crisco. It's digestible!

enough with event announcements!!! (no not really) It's time for the joys of Americana


So was fried food, non-digestible before crisco? Absorbed through the skin, or something?


Well, non-digestible fats are not fun at all...thank you Procter and Gamble for Olestra.

If fats are not digested, they come out just as slick as when they go in.


I love how they use the phrase "anal leakage".

When I was about three or four, my mom made me swallow a big gob of Crisco to help me go "poo poo"; I puked rather than pooped.

I can eat 5 cans of this shit a day! its amazing what it does for my pimples

If your hungry you can get some Free Chicken!

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