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the ole five and dime

Say, for those who may be interested, RedRabbitRiversmith is all new, much slicker.


Simply astounding.

This is a great website.


I remember your exhibit at Beaner's (last year?). Some of the most original art I've experienced in a while.

Well done.

Speechless! I have admired Bridget's work before but really like the spiffed up website. Thanks for sharing.
btw - love the reminder of how crayons are made! When the little girl holds the crayon up and starts the "crayon dream"......it evokes the same serene wonderment of life emotion as when I was viewing the art! Fabulous

Thanks for the kind words all, fyi Dave the artwork is my wife's, not mine, alas.
If y'all are so inclined pass the link along as appropriate. Merci beaucoup

I have too agree that Bridget's art is fantastic and original.I hope her future rewards are as wonderful as her talent.

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