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Sorry, Engelbert, I gotta make room...

...for my new favorite band:


Explosions in the Sky

hell yeah. Where have these guys been all my life? Texas? Oh, okay, I guess they're from Texas. whodathunkit?

Everything I love about Godspeed!, but not quite as dark and brooding. Epic. Symphonic. Orchestral. Not a whole lot of words to muddle things up.

Oh yeah, the new Modest Mouse kicks some boo-tay too...


I agree.

Its funny how there are bands that are (at least for a while) better than anything you've heard...and they've just been under your radar for a while.

This happened to me a couple weeks ago with Talk Talk and their album Spirit of Eden.

Has anyone heard this?

Agreed, incredible band (especially live). These guys have been around for some years now. Check their older material too.

If you haven't already, go to their albums page and click on the album "The Rescue." You can download the whole thing for free. It's amazing. If you like Explosions In The Sky you should also check out:

> Saxon Shore
> Mazerati
> The Mercury Program
> Mono
> Tristeza
> Pelican
> Red Sparrows

Portrait is playing with another instrumental band called Canine Heart Sounds Sat. 04.28.07 at Luce. You should check them out.

I heart internet radio...discovered these chaps on last.fm, actually...almost as good as having a friend who works in a record store...almost.

i'm also liking The Build as well...but have yet to track down anything by them.

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