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Hey PDDers,

I recently began working as the program associate/ event planner for the Royal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International Studies. Basically the Alworth Institute runs a series of events for the community on international studies/international issues. Some of our events may be of interest to PDDers, some may not. Either way, you'll be hearing about them. Here's this week's event:


Alworth International Brown Bag Series

Presented by Susnana Pelayo-Woodward, Director of the Multicultural Center at UMD.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
12:00 p.m.
UMD Library 4th Floor Rotunda
Free and open to the public

In January 2007, several UMD students participated in a study abroad program in Mexico focusing on the impact of globalization and NAFTA on Mexican indigenous people. They traveled in Mexico City and Chiapas visiting historical sites and meeting with non-profit organizations dealing with human rights, immigration and agricultural issues. The students also stayed with families in a Tzosil indigenous community where they learned about Peace Communities in the highlands of Chaipas.

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