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usually i would never except something that hieko actually hands to me, but in this case, i had no choice.


That might be worthy of a FOUND magazine submission

ooohhh...this sounds like a perfect opportunity for a clown college right here in Duluth.

At 16 I was a trained pupeteer and puppeted in Mexico. Im very proud of this and anyone who knows me knows that if i can incorporate this into any conversation im golden...in MY eyes.

I actually know a guy who is embarking on a clown christian ministry. watch for him and his balloon animals on the streets of duluth this summer.

perhaps many of us have secret puppetry pasts - i, too, was in a puppet troupe for 9 years.

I know the fellow that runs the puppet farm over Bayfield area, that's my puppeteer experience... um, unless you count the spontaneous show I put on as a young kid (6-ish) in which I sold tickets to two (in hindsight, very kind) college gals who where my entire audience

Edgeways that puts you way ahead of me,as My only experience with puppets was a spectator of a puppet show in Seattle in the 80s and the mucking fuppets on Saturday Night Live

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