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Tomorrow Hazel is having some surgery done. While it's not serious surgery, she does have to be put to sleep for it to take place, which is kind of scary. She's facing it with her usual smiles, however. Mommy and Daddy are more worried than she is! So please keep her in your thoughts...


sorry to hear that, I had a fair number of surgeries when I was a wee tot and it is no fun. Good luck to you all

What a cutie. Hope everything goes perfectly!!

Oh poor Hazel (and parents!).
She'll definately be in my thoughts &I'll be in touch with you guys. I hope all goes well.

The kids usually handle the surgery better than the parents.
Hazel looks to have a wonderful disposition!

Sorry to hear that, I will think good thoughts your way!
from Violet's Mom
PS Don't be reluctant to ask questions, and get them to explain everything!

I hope all goes well with your wee one. Thanks for bringing Hazel over the other night. It's always good to see you guys, and Hazel provided motivation for Charlie to get his butt off the floor and start crawling already. Our house has been ready for this moment for weeks, and I don't know how much longer I can keep chokeables off the floor. GOOD LUCK and bless your family.

as of this moment, things didn't go quite as smoothly as planned.

the operation(s) went well, but in recovery, Haze's oxygen levels dropped to the point where they wanted to hold her for a bit longer and see what happened.

After a visit from the pediatrician at about three, some chest xrays and other stuff, they decided to go ahead and hold kiddeaux for the night for observation. I'm not a doctor, so I'm not too up on the ins and outs of what's going on...something about the gunk in her lungs (it's not pneumonia) not agreeing with her system or something to that effect. There's a bit about blood oxygen saturation levels in there too...

SO kiddeaux gets an overnight slumber party at St Mary's pediatric unit...

We'll keep things up to speed here as we can...


eeep, good luck

I'm sorry she had to stay overnight. My oldest had surgery last year, it's tough. I hope she's home safe and sound tomorrow.

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