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The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good


Join your fellow PDDers for a fun night of games! Last week's game night included clay, a mangrove root and pee-inducing laughter. Who knows what the next game night will bring! So...

When: Monday, March 26, 2007 at 6pm-ish (please note the ish!)
Where: Robin Goodfellow's
What: PDD Game Night

Generally, food is ordered, however, this week's special food is: potluck! Bring a dish to share and pass! Utensils and other such sundry items shall be provided.

Come and have fun with your fellow game-playing PDDers!

Just a note: I'm bringing homemade cherry cheesecake. :)


Fine. I give up.

I'll bring a salad and Aaron is planning on making something more main coursey, though I don't know what.

I made some cookies this weekend, so I guess I know what I'll bring... TOFU cheese dip! ... no, no no, cookies it is, guaranteed 100% non tofu

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