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Squeaky wheel gets the grease...

John Rathe's "Apology"


That was a pretty bad non-apology. I've seen much better.

What did this guy previously say/write respond or comment on? Anyone know what this is in reference to?

Can't you tell? He explains himself after he says, "Here is why I believe the site is leans to the left".

Oh, wait. He doesn't.

He simply called PDD a "scary left wing nut job blog".

That's all.

I have no clue what he is saying in his apology, though he thinks he is saying it plan and simple".

yeah...makes no sense to me at all...

seems like he's trying to justify why he called PDD a scary left wing nut job blog instead of actually offering an apology...

he must think we're all as stupid as he sounds...

if you'll notice a couple of posts down, he posts a blog about "being civil."

That's what set me off.

Basically I told him that what he did wasn't exactly kosher, and that he was wrong in his unprovoked attack on this blog, and until he posted an apology to PDD for the "scary left wing nutjob" comment, I was going to be "on him like white on rice" until he did...

Apparently, he didn't quite get the jist of what I was trying to get at...

technology in the hands of people that stupid is a dangerous thing.

Holy Bejeezus. Will someone please tell this guy about spell check! And grammar rules. Please!

I two am cornfused ...

I don't know what his entent was even if it was plan and simple. Do you think he really doesn't care what our thoughts our.?.?

Maybe if I lean a little bit more to the left I can reach my dictionary ...sttrreeeeaaattcchh .. got it.

We know you're sorry, now apologize.

I don't think he has anything to apologize for. He can write whatever he wants; it's his blog.

Still, while I kind of understand the "left wing" comment (righties can participate here and skate on Lake Superior, too) and even the "nut job" comment sometimes, I have a problem with "scary."

"Scary"? Really? Peaceful, Duluth-loving folks are SCARY?

If so, you must live in constant fear.

i agree with barrett. it's his incoherent blathering blog. he can write (and i use that term loosely, like myself) want he wants.

When Rathe says that "almost everything deals with politics" on this blog, I am mystified. Almost nothing deals with politics on this blog.

As far as Rathe's clumsy namecalling goes, I have no idea why anyone would pay it the slightest attention, let alone demand an apology. Perhaps Rathe should have added "sensitive" to his list of indictments.

i see your point, Barrett...and c-freak...very vividly...

and true, he can write anything he wants, it's his blog...

however, to pull a stunt like that and then post about being civil?

civility on whose terms?

If I made similar comments directed at a group of people I'd expect to be taken to task for my what I said.

I recommend treating this guy as a troll, and ignore him. Attention whores aren't worth getting worked up about.

I'm not sure what "a stunt like that" is. Stating an opinion? Name calling? It's hardly shocking behavior on the internet.

The civility post was about how he let his emotions take over and how he shouldn't have. In other words it was an admission to being uncivil and a promise to do better in the future.

This is really a non-issue, and making a big deal about it (e.g. threatening to "be on him like white on rice") is what scares people away from PDD, which is probably why more members don't post here regularly.

was pretty silly (well, stupid is a better term) of me...i agree...

when I'm in the wrong, I'll admit it...I do respect what you guys do/say/think...and...I was wrong.

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