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It took a decade of practice

PaulLundgren1997.JPG PaulLundgren2007.JPG

Left: The 1997 Paul Lundgren wishes he could render his literary works aloud at a coffeeshop in West Duluth.

Right: The 2007 Paul Lundgren wonders if anyone will show up now that he has his gig.

Paul Lundgren with Jerree Small & the Junk Drawers
and the Lake Superior Cacophonic Choir

Thursday, March 22 | Beaner's Central | 8 p.m.


Paul, break legs tonight... as many as necessary.

Wish I could be there but my daughter is in a show at the Playhouse.

10 years, and you still look chilled. And uncomfortable.
Long underwear, baby. Long underwear.

Good luck tonight.

10 years, and you still look chilled. And uncomfortable.
Long underwear, baby. Long underwear.

Good luck tonight.

i'm just trying to figure out if you're looking at A & Dubs in those photos. maybe longing for a jumbo cheeseburger and some root beer, but feeling stymied due to it being winter and all.

good luck with the show. i won't be there. i'd go, but i'm rocking the UWS dorms tonight. i'm takin' back the air!

as a previous best audience member I wish I could have been there, but alas I was busy! I guess I shall have to defend my title another time.

Thanks guys. It went very well. No one was injured, and some appeared to be entertained.

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