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I still don't have a jetpack...

...but, by golly, I have a robot.


so how well does it work? I'm trying to convince the students at HCIS that some of these would be cool for dust abatement. Also have you seen the CREATE? It's the robotic experinmental roomba.

Well, I've only had it for a couple days, but I can see a real difference using it. I think it's great for supplimental cleaning. It doesn't deep clean. I was skeptical about how it would do along baseboards, but it does pretty well. And, heck! It's fun!!!

I have not seen the experimental version and it looks like you missed a shift there on your link.

I got it because they were on super duper sale at Sears this weekend.

My mom has one of these and she calls it "baby." It's a lot of fun, especially when it chases you. I think it's most handy for vacuuming in weird places, like under the couch.

I've considered them from time to time, but we have a bunch of rugs with tasseled ends, and I just have visions of a stuck helpless robot busting into flames

As you can see from the video, I have a rug with tassels and it sometimes gets bogged down when trying to traverse the tassels. If it gets stuck, though, it shuts itself down and calls out for help. It's pretty damn cute, I must say.

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