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Emerson St Patty's Day Party

This Saturday is the Annual St Patrick's Day party and Fundraiser at the Emerson Tenant's Coop. Everyone is welcome. The schedule at this point looks like:

DJ's Featuring The Supreme Rockers

8:30 Retribution Gospel Choir
9:30 Vincent Cadillac Band
10:30 The Brushstrokes
11:30 Taconite w/Jamie Ness
11:45 Elf Lettuce (from Madison, WI)
12:45 Crew Jones

10 bucks gets you good beer all night, food, and entertainment. Check out our decorated coop living space.


The Supreme Rockers?!? Pffft.

What kind of crowbar does it take to get da Plumber out of the house to turn that kind of awesome into some Four Wheel Drive?

I demand more for my last-minute DJ action.

Good beer? From the fine folks at Lake Superior Brewing Co., I would imagine.

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