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PDD Game Night

Better than Bingo at the VFW!

Date: Monday, February 5, 2007
Time: 6pm-ish
Place: Robin Goodfellow's
What: Come play a rousing game of Carcassonne (provided by Edgewood) or other games with your friendly fellow PDD members! Pizza or some sort of food substance is usually ordered. See you there!


I'm sans car this week, so I may have to take the bus, dependant on how that goes I may be a little tardy

Unfortunately, Aaron and I won't be able to make it tonight, and we'll be in Mexico next week. I don't think Josh will be able to come tonight either. We hope to game again in a couple of weeks though. Have fun tonight!

I got a PEZ card game from Santa, which I haven't had a chance to play. I told August that we would try to play it tonight, so maybe we will down there? Are people planning on going?

Although there was only two of us, it was a lot of fun!

Thanks, Edgewood, for teaching me Hunters & Gatherers Carcassonne!

Thanks to the Pizza Luce delivery guy for walking across the street!

So next week: same time, same station... :D

It was nice to meet you and Edgewood yesterday. Marshall was inspired to buy his own Carcassone. (Could the name of a French city be related to the word carcass?) We will try to catch up with you next week!

Nice to meet you guys as well. I swear RG should give us kickbacks. :)

i got a kick in the back...side...for ya...


I suspect in this digital day and age RG needs all the help it can get..Back atcha

well...being as how i'm engaged to one of you geeks...

Hmmmm...I usually have to convince people I am a geek..

Hey... I resemble that remark, in.dog!

Don't worry, Violet's Mom ;), I think your geek status gained +20 points of geekiness just by the very fact that you entered RG so you get to wear the badge now. lol...

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