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City Council Takes Up Anti-War Resolution


At the Duluth City Council meeting on Monday, Feb. 26, councilors will discuss a resolution calling for American troops to be brought home from Iraq. Anti-war activists from the Twin Ports area will hold a rally in front of City Hall at 6:30 p.m. calling on councilors to pass the resolution.

If the resolution passes, the City of Duluth will go on record as opposed to the indefinite deployment of hundreds of thousands of men and women currently serving in Iraq. The resolution also opposes further troop deployments. The resolution, which will be introduced by Councilor Russ Stewart, reads in part:

“[M]any members of the Armed Forces are entering into their third and fourth deployments to Iraq;… the war in Iraq, now in its fourth year, has caused the deaths of more than 3,140 American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis, the physical and psychological wounding and disabling of more than 22,000 American soldiers and of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and the destruction of the homes, communities, and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.”

The resolution “honors the memory of those who have lost their lives in the war” while urging the federal government to “commence planning an orderly and comprehensive withdrawal of United States military personnel from Iraq” and “support our troops by ensuring that returning veterans receive compensation and care.” It also calls for sending non-military aid to Iraq for reconstruction and pursuing stability in the region through diplomacy.

If approved, copies of the resolution will be sent to President Bush, Senators Norm Coleman and Amy Klobuchar, Representative Jim Oberstar and the Duluth members of the Minnesota legislature. Duluth citizens are urged to be part of the political process by attending the rally and meeting on Feb. 26 and voicing their opinions.


Russ needs support on this. The other councilors have been afraid to address this, for some reason. Show up at the rally and council meeting if you can! It's so incredibly important to let our federal officials know, in any way possible, that we want real steps taken to end the war.

Yeah, John Rathe and his DCB (Duluth Citizens Blog) crew are planning to counter with an anti-antiwar protest...

wait, isn't the whole concept of anti-antiwar demonstration kind of...oxymoronic...

Just moronic I think.

(damn, looks like the strike command doesn't work in comments)

Where does the anti-anti-antiwar protest meet up?

ooooh! an anti-anti-antiwar demonstration...sweet!

the DCB (well, John Rathe anyhow...) is encouraging anti-antiwar protesters to show up at 6:30 pm outside the city hall's where the showdown's gonna be shown. down.

He does try to clarify his stance as being anti- antiwar proclamation...protesting Stewart's resubmitting his anti surge proclamation.

He and his ilk feel that the war efforts would best be served if nobody talked about it and at the very least, everyone supported the war...

I find it funny that they would assume that Reinert would abstain from voting based on his status in the Navy Reserve...as if those in the military aren't entitled to an opinion on the subject...which IMO is an affront and an insult to everyone who's ever worn a uniform.

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