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Making Beer w/Barrett and Paul


You may have missed the series "Making Beer w/Barrett and Paul," which was made for The Product in 2005. The various parts have never appeared together in one easy-to-locate post, until now.

I’ll warn you that it’s low-tech, low-resolution and low-brow. Still, the Pioneer Press called it a “multichapter masterpiece,” so it must not suck too bad. Here’s the links:

Part 1: Preparation
Part 2a: Starting Over
Part 2b: Fermenting
Part 3: Bottling
Part 4: Tasting


nice goggles.

And all this time they told me they got their secret beer from the year 600,000,000.

those goggles look like they're from the year 600,000,000.

No, no. The *recipe* came from the year 600,000,000. The beer itself was made right here in good ol' 1955.

I don't mean to be a nitpick... but the extract will flow a lot easier if you soak the cans in hot water for 30 minutes or so =)

How was that there Yukon Jack, Paul? My guts are wretching awaiting your reply.

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