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Your easy-reference schedule for Saturday


Here's the agenda for Saturday's rawk and/or roll supporting the benefit for Pearl Swanson.

8 p.m.
Jason Wussow & Sara Softich (Beaner's Central)

9:30 p.m.
Jeremy Messersmith (Beaner's Central)
Randy Lee Ensemble (Pizza Luce)

10 p.m.
The Surfactants (R.T. Quinlan’s)
Lookdown Moon (Carmody Irish Pub)

10:30 p.m.
Charlie Parr (Pizza Luce)

11 p.m.
The State Champs (R. T. Quinlan's)

11:30 p.m.
Teague Alexy (Carmody Irish Pub)
Tangier 57 (Pizza Luce)

12 p.m.
The Keep Aways (R.T. Quinlan's)

12:30 p.m.
The SuperTacks (Pizza Luce)

$10 passes are available at any of the venues at show time.
Advance passes can be purchased at the Electric Fetus.

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