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TPB still TPB


Twin Ports Brewing is now Thirsty Pagan Brewing.


If the spelling on the new table tents advertising the wine list is to be believed, they are also now called "Thirsty Pegan Brewery"

Mispelling or not, the new name is better. I like it. It's upbrubt for Superior. If I hear of another business called "Twin Ports ________," in the... Twin Ports, I may vomit. All over you. And your family. And your dog. And your grandma. And whatever you hold dear.

C'mon, Gwanto. Don't be shy. Tell us how you really feel.

New name or not, when are they going to start making beer like in the old TPB days... where it wasn't so watery and flavorless.

New name or not, when are they going to start making beer like in the old TPB days... where it wasn't so watery and flavorless?

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