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my blog-flogging: forever in sweat pants

if you make it to the end i'll give you a dollar.



Damnit! I could only make it to 29 seconds.

can't.... make.... it.... not... strong.... enough....

you should skip to the end-ish part where chunk tries to hop on the drums, only to find out there isn't rhythm. it's like watching kittens on fire.

i want my dollar.

this is amazing because
1 the comments by the crowd
2 the camera? cellphone? pack on his waist
3 i didn't think neil diamond could get worse
4 the sloppy girl next to him trying to get the crowd into it

Oh, ouch.

Keep the dollar, I want therapy.

Reminds me of when I ran an open mic and had to cut power on people who went over. Sometimes it would get ugly. Even uglier than this.

Here's a direct link for those of you, like me, who hate to cut and paste when we don't have to. I would seriously consider not clicking though.

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