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I (heart) Muzak

I work in the Technology Center. Or the Tech Village. Or the Village. Or that building at Lake and Superior ... whatever it's called.
This time of year, the muzak has a holiday theme I love. They program music from old christmas specials, movies and other stuff.
You should stop by and take a listen. I've found that the best place to hear it is in the bathroom. While sitting there rockin' out, I've also discovered that the lights in the bathroom are controlled by a motion detector. Set for 2 minutes, if you really want to know.
It can be a little disturbing having the lights go out while you're sittin' on the crapper.

The music is always playing, however.


I used to work in the village, and man did I HATE the muzak! How ironic is it that elevator music is piped everywhere in the building, except elevators?!? And this time of year *shudder*. Kenny-G Christmas songs everytime I have to take a piss...

They have awesome bathrooms I must say.

What's really fun is letting the lights go out and see how far you can get without making the lights go on again. I haven't got past opening the stall door.

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