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Godfather of Soul

I am sure you all have heard, and I'm not going to link to a news story, but James Brown passed away early today, and that's a bummer.


God bless him and his swaddling clothes.

He paid the cost to be the boss... Steady on, Brother James.

His passing, like Ahmet Ertegun's, will get far too short shrift in the popular media. Their work created tectonic, TECTONIC shifts in the way music was before they arrived. Ertegun opened a real door for black musicians on record in America, and James Brown blew the damned hinges off. Losing them and Ruth Brown in one month... It's been a bad December for true R&B :(

Oh, and one more thing...
If you are unfamiliar with James Brown, do yourself a favor. Pick up "In the Jungle Groove" and the soundtrack to "Black Caesar" and take a listen. The lame 6 secdon clips of "I Feel Good" and "Living In America" being played this week in wire reports do no justice.

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