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All I Want For Christmas Is...

Santa Baby Where does the well-informed PDDer do their holiday shopping?

Here or here or here

Speaking of holidays, is anyone interested in doing a PDD Secret Santa and having a PDD Holiday Bash, say, down at Carmody or other locale?


I'd be interested - I have yet to actually make any of the other PDD events...

Maybe somehwere kid friendly,like Luce?

The first two should prover very useful, not so sure about the last. Anyway, if it can't be bought online or at Target, then we're out of luck.
Seasonal greetings to you and yours

I'm up for a PDD bash, anywhere would be fine for me. I need to make some more meat-friends- working at home means you only talk to your wife, the cats and the 5&7 year old neighbor kids. :P

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