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'Tis the Season



Perhaps I should hire him to come to our house on Christmas Eve. That will certainly get my kids over their whole fixation with Santa and Christmas. We'll probably never have to decorate or buy them expensive gifts again. Granted the years and years of therapy bills will probably make up the difference.

there is that...

he should advertise as:
"Never have to celebrate Christmas again!"

it's an infomercial waiting to happen...

Definitely uncut.

I suppose it's best it is not. Dead nude Santa

you're a sick, sick man edge.

Dead nude raindeer on the side of the road.

Edge, I was just about to post the same thing.

You're a sick, sick woman Purple... and tardy.

Sorry.. it's just what I think of whenever those lights flash LIVE GIRLS, I mean what's the alternative? Sort of like the old Tom Waits routine. (paraphrase) " XXX, 3 Xs? Comeon, one seems reasonable, two ... ok, but three? The only thing I can think of is, girls without skin, that's how nude they are..."

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