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Quell the Rumors - True West this weekend

True West will be showing at 7:30 p.m. at the Playground this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Any rumors of cancellation due to the Christmas City of the North parade are not correct. The show is still on. Let your friends know. And if you haven't seen it yet, come check it out. It's a rock 'em, sock 'em, piss-your-pants-laughing good time. Working Class Theater Website


I saw True West last Friday and was impressed. I actually almost didn't go because I'm very critical,haven't enjoyed a community production in a long time, and never was a big fan of the play.

I'm very glad I went. Jody and Nathan were both very good, and the production actually had a sound designer (one of my pet peeves is when productions ignore technical aspects).

So, go see True West.

Jody and Nathan and Jack and Priscilla all rock as performers. I have worked with all of them on different projects and have great respect for them all. I'm very excited to go see the show on Friday night.

neat. wish i had more free time...


This play is the total package... no weak links here. Great performances, good sound design and lighting, good use of props and costumes, the only thing that was missing were adoring throngs. That's where you come in.

Full stop.

Did True West even get a Duluth News review?
The Macbeth review was published two days in a row, but I never saw a review for True West.

I agree with Ironic1. Like I said, I never really liked the play (I spent a quarter analyzing the play in a theatre class -- HATED IT!), but this production was solid, engaging, and enjoyable.

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