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Invitation For Your Anecdote


In my entire life, I have never seen anyone play volleyball outside the Anchor Bar. How about you?


the sand to urine/vomit ratio is not very condusive to sports. you may as well set up a game in a giant litter box.

I threw up out back many years ago.

"Back in tha' day" (in the 80's until early 90's) there used to be a volleyball league in Superior. Most of the courts are gone now, but we used to play at Betty Boops, the Casablanca, the Pacific Club, Village Bowl, Strykers, etc. I 'may or may not have been' on the Anchor II team beginning when I was 19. My Aunt was on the Anchor I team, and one day after my 21st birthday, she came into the Anchor and quite loudly wished me a Happy 21st and bought me a shot - much to the chagrin of the bartender who had been serving me for two years...

Yep, did it...Back in th' day...Anchor used to have bands too. I saw The Device, Iron Youth and other pre-scene bands there.

i've barfed back there too, but then again, where haven't i barfed???

I lived in a building right behind there for a (whopping) month in the spring of '01, and believe it or not, I did actually see people playing volleyball out there once or twice. Not often, mind you, but definitely once or twice.

The "giant litter box" description does seem rather apt, though.

People go to Superior in the daytime?


trying to get rid of mental image of giant litterbox out back of the anchor...

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