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Halp Us Jon Carry


Since their is all this talk aboot Jon Carry and what not, I thought I would join in on the posting. Beeing a member of the MN Nashunahl Gard, I found this quite amusing.

Oh, those funny Minnesoohtahns. But honestly, I don't care what he said, if it was mistake or not. I'm not bothered by it. There's waaaay more important things to give a crap about nowadays.



: ) Nice.

Say...why were these guys not outraged when they were sent to Iraq in the firstplace? They are the NATIONAL Guard. Don't they find it amusing that they are being sent to Iraq for a bullshit war brought to you by GW and the neocons? Where's the sign slamming them?



So... outrage is expressed best through signs written on sheets?
It doesn't seem as though "outrage" is the best descriptor here. Kerry stomped on some people's toes and he's been getting defensive about people taking issue of his clumsiness. It warrants some satirical attention; not the indignant politicking of the administration who admit that the processes of dunking someone in water to save a life is a no brainer (as the Daily Show called "Bobbing for Truth").

Satirical response to the attitudes back home has been one of the most pervasive and successful coping mechanisms of soldiers at war for generations. That they have yet to unfurl a sign making fun of the neocons does not mean they are "dumbasses" by any means.
Would it be better for them to be marching up and down the Mexican Border? Is that the National Guard duty you have in mind for them?
Duty outweighs outrage. It's the nation's duty to be outraged for their circumstances and supportive of their operations while they're there serving us.


You are right about that. Dumbasses is a little over the top. I get a little worked up. Time for a beer.

It just pisses me off when this story(Kerry and the sheet messages) is the top story on startribune.com and all the other so called liberal media outlets. What's going on!

It's insanity that the real issues regarding the war are not being talked about!


Heh, that is pretty funny. :+) Kinda reminds me of M*A*S*H for some reason.

Kerry was stupid for fumbling with that lame joke (I don't like Bush either, but c'mon, the joke was lame), but it does seem like people are making quite the mountain out of a molehill with it. Hope it blows over and people get back to talking about the candidates actually running for office this year.

Hi Andy M.! I have been marching up and down the Mexican border.

Hi Cathie E.!

I am glad someone is looking after our borders!

Send me an email of LA pics.

Through Pamela?

I personally buy the alternative explination.


Not that it really matters.

will do Andy

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