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Out of the Hat - Actors and Techie Needed


Out of the Hat is happening this weekend (Friday and Saturday, November 3 & 4) and is looking for additional actors for both days (especially Friday) and a Techie for both days. For more information go to the Renegade website or contact Brian Matuszak directly.

Oh, and show up Friday or Saturday. This time around it will be in the Tech Village, next to, but not in, the Playground at 7pm both nights. Tickets are $15 for one night or $20 for both nights.


The Hat was wonderful this time around, its last performance wandering in the wilderness. Paul Lundgren had a very funny play to kick off everything last night. Hilarious stuff Paul.

I put up my two scripts on my blog. The first one was written particularly with the Professor in mind. The second one was written for all those World of Warcraft gamers like Lumpy, Adam, Lefty, and myself who have a love/hate relationship with the game.

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