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"Everybody's Got the Right"

..to party.

....and to their own opinion about Renegade's production of Assassins.

Here's mine


Well I'm going tonight. I'll let ya know what I think. I'm not shy.

I'll be interested to hear your opinion; I added more of mine to the review. I think it's great that the musical is being performed in Duluth.

I pretty much concur with your review, Purple. Brian M. was by far the best part of the show. Fantastic performance and worth the price of admission. The rest of the performances varied and none of the rest were as engaging. The decision to go without an intermission hurt my bladder. Be prepared if you go to sit for a good 2 hours. There were some very good vocal performances. Booth in particular was creepy cool. I'd like to see the same show with a bit more budget and staging.

I once fantasized about assassinating Elmer Fudd. It's true.



I once fantasized about assassinating Hugh Beaumont.

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