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DAI Artist Nexus

Duluth Art Institute
Artist Nexus
Meetings: Every first Wed. of the month
First Meeting: Wed., Sept. 6, 2006
6:30-8 pm
DAI Lincoln Center
2229 W. 2nd St.


network | collaborate | support | conceptualize

Meetings will have an open structure and may transform in the future, depending on the group. We encourage artists to bring ideas ranging from technical to conceptual. Bring current work or just yourself and a food to share if you wish. Everyone including artists of all ages, skill levels and mediums are welcome.

Contact: [email protected] for more info.

Image by: bathsheba.com


I once arted, gauntlet-style.

is that anything like the flux capacitor?

gauntlet...and I"m spent.

It's something like the drunklet capacitor, bitches.

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