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Your Farking Dog Is Dead Already

From a recent Duluth News-Tribune:


I’m sorry but someone has to say it: You simply do NOT post an ad in July for a dog that got ran over by a Hum-Vee back in March. Quit wasting your money. Put it to better use…like gambling. GIVE IT UP! Move on already!! I repeat: Saffron is NOT in Duluth! SAFFRON IS FARKING DEAD!!!


Wait... I've seen that dog... It was delicious.

Don't you mean farking delicious?

Come on! It wasn't that long ago that a PDD member posted a picture of themselves and a dog that recently passed and everyone was like "Oh, so sorry" and many PDD'ers extended sympathy.
Where is the consideration for a lost pet that is equally as heart breaking?

Your heartless!!! Someone might have taken this is as a lost pet and might read the paper one day. I don't blame them. What great fun it must be for you to laugh at someone who is down.

I do have to say, though, that this ad has been in -every- issue of the DNT, Daily Telegram and the Budgeteer since Saffron went missing. This is a different variation - I haven't seen it with pictures before.

There is one out there that states that if Saffron is pregnant she needs a special diet.

On one hand, I agree with -Berv that Saffron is most likely gone after this length of time. A Papillon would not have been able to survive the cold temperatures of winter outside.

They're a tiny dog, bigger than a Chihuahua, perhaps the size of a toy poodle, but they are not made for winters. They're really a show dog, not a working dog, although I've heard tell that they're good at ratting.

On the other hand, I am so amazed by what an example of a devoted family that goes to such lengths to ensure the return of a family member, for obviously, they consider the dog equal to that of a child.

Perhaps that is why they continue to search for Saffron and will most likely always search for her.

I think there's a difference between having sympathy for a pet's passing, and pointing out the obvious fact that these people need to move on.
A pet owner posting a "lost pet" add in the paper for five months is about as mentally healthy as a parent who is convinced that they didn't bury their child, it was actually a look-alike.

I kind of want to take up an epic quest to search out this dog and prove you all wrong. It will be like the Adventures of Zelda.

if i had a nickel for every pet i lost living 'out in the sticks' in rural Tejas...i'd head over to Carmody and buy myself a beer.

i can't tell you how many times i've lost my beer.

Feral Papillons are a rare breed indeed.

Tragic, of course. But I've seen ads for used socks run 8 weeks in the Bugeteer. How long to search for a dear lost pet? A matter of the heart, to be sure.

Perhaps Saffron was sold into the world of mushing. Papillon teams of 130 dogs were not uncommon during the Yukon gold rush. It was said they "pulled like a Dachshund with half of the feed requirement".

Maybe we could unite some folks and solve two problems at once.

Whoops, I meant barking, not farking

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