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You cannot go wrong with Crispin Glover...

"This is it! This is the answer. It says here... that a movie is going to be shown at precisely 9:04pm, tonight! If we can somehow... *harness* this movie... *channel* it... into the flux capacitor... it just might work. Tonight, we're sending you back to the future!"

9:04pm. Leif Erickson Park Stage. "Back to the Future." Bring something to sit on. Be there or be square.



according to the citizen's blog there will be people fornicating in the bushes.
i can't wait!

Oh, that is too funny. Guess he hasn't looked in the bushes at Bayfront Park... lol...

fornicating in the bushes to back to the future? wtf?

post the link tam. i don't know how.

Why 9:04? The lightning doesn't strike the clocktower until 10:04.

10:04 mountain. 9:04 central. fornication begins promptly at 9:14 and mostly involves "parking" with somebody who reminds you of a young version of your mother.

"My name is George. George McFly. Next week, I'll be Indiana Jones."

"Jock, start the movie!"

What a great night!

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