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The Rank Strangers

Hey, Perfect Duluth Day,

I've read this for a really long time, but I've never posted because I've never had anything interesting to say. Until now!

So I've lately been exchanging emails with Mike Wisti, who's the leadsinger of a really good band from Minneapolis called The Rank Strangers. Do you know them? They played at Pizza Luce a couple of years ago, and it was one of the best shows I've seen in Duluth or anywhere. But they just played in front of me and my roommate and a couple of her friends. Which was sad.

But Mike Wisti wants to play another show in Duluth, and I told him that I'd try to use my contacts to get him a show that, like, people would show up to and stuff. But I don't really have any contacts, so I"m posting here.

So whom should I get in touch with? I don't know anything about booking shows, and any information or insight that anyone could provide would really helpful and really cool.

Thank you...


Some of my greatest rock memories involve Wisti. The Rank Strangers once played the entire Side 2 of Abbey Road for an encore at an 7th Street Entry show. It was amazing. Once, my friend was recording in Wisti's basement studio; we wanted beer but it was Sunday, so I drove 90 MPH to Hudson and back, just to sit in Wisti's basement and watch him recoed my friend while drinking Premium. Mike Wisti is a very nice man, and he should play in Duluth ASAP.

September would be a good time.

Both the Red Lion Lounge and Carmody will have some Fridays available.

There is Tina at the NorShor Experience
722-2001 or cell 591-0225
I know they have the new stage in the mezzanine and are planning on changing the upper theater around and adding a second bar in there.
I would love to see a huge show with ton's of bands to kick off the re-opening of the theater.

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