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Not selling anything.. or at least anything anyone actually wants


This made gave me low level chuckles for a good 3 minutes.

Ha,great. Needs to be made into a bumper sticker. So many variants possible here, but robot-octopus is something we can all get behind.


So, robot + octopus? Cthulhu totally needs to be the minister!
The thing that bothers me the most about the whole "marriage = man + woman" thing is that women and men are very similar, other than a few random body parts.
What they really mean is "marriage = cock + pussy". Maybe I'll print some of those babies up...

I don't think you're too far off Bad Cat! Certianly one of the arguments used against same sex marrage is that marrage is essentially about the potentiality of having babies and furthering the human race. There are numerious ways to attack this line of argument, and indeed, often such things contain seeds of racisim. instead of "human race" they subtile refer more to "our race". Can't let the Asian/Africian/Muslem/... etc population get bigger than ours our we'll be fucked.
The whole marrage == babies ignores hetro couples who are infertile, post menopausal women, couples who choose not to procreate. If marrage truely == babies then we should have consituational amendments banning all such unholy unions.

Imagine all the robot octopi that will be running amuck

if robots and octopi mated and produced offspring, would they be called "roctopi?"

or would that be "octobots?"

Roctopus... er what ever the hell is the plural of that.

A little photoshop fun (+ mini-rant) on my blog: Tell us what you really mean

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