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Jean Short Overalls!

Why are the only people who wear jean short overall's these days middle-aged moms with a ten year lapse in fashion sense? I wore a pair on my first day of junior high and saw an instant boost in my popularity. I hereby delclare this Friday, July 7th, Jean Short Overall Revival Day. I hear Little Sara's mom has a spare pair...


I heartilty approve of all fashion oriented "days". Especially as the jeans-shorts overall is in the lederhosen family. I'm just bummed that the chat room of the lederhosen museum is down.

I wanna be able to wear my tie dye t-shirt without people pointing and laughing. Do jean short overalls go well with tie dye t-shirts?

I still have a pair of jean short overalls I wore all the time ten years ago. I'm now a middle-aged mom, so if I put them on now I'll just be continuing the latest trend in middle-age mom fashion.

Don't forget your Hypercolor T-shirt!

You don't see as many cut off jean shorts these days either. Personally, I always found the unraveling fringe to be a sensory overload.

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