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If the President Can Lie, Why Can't I


I fucking quit.


I think the president lies and feels comfrotable in lieing becasue as a whole we have decreased the social condemation attached to the very act. Getting caught in a lie does not have nearly the same stigma as it should. In a way it is a feedback loop. We expect politicians, and indeed nearly everyone, to lie so when it happens it reinforces out belief about them and over time removes a bit of the tarnish. Paul Slansky: Co-author of "My Bad" was just on MPR this week talking about public aplogies which was pretty interesting. I think it ties into what I see as an over realitivzing of all aspect of live nowadays. We have such a wide range of opinions and sources of information it becomes hard to establish clear truths, so many people kind of give up and make decisions that incorperates aspects of many of the different viewpoints. Intellegent Design is one such idea. In reality it is neither creationism nor Evolution, but tries to merge the two to convince people that there is a God. Now, I am not about to bash religion here, but I have nothing but contempt for Intellegent Design. I can respect, some, people who believe in creationism. It is a belief, and as such needs no proof to exist. I disagree with it, but with a live and let live policy ass long as you cause me no harm, wtf do i care what you belive in. ID is just plane awful in that it claims to be science AND religion in one pacage. If you claim to be science you need testable data, which this doesn't have, therefore it is junk. It is disrespectful to both sides of the issue.

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