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hey what?

Don't hack Amazing Grace's page, people. Bad, bad karma.

I can't read about honey wheat now.


That's what happens if you manage your own server--gots to keep up on your security updates.

Too bad they didn't e-mail their calendar info. No A. Grace events in the Transistor this week, apparently.

Here, BTW.

"Neuromancer?" Really?

And "Turkish Hacker?" Is that like a Hot Carl or something?

Go Turkey!!

HCIS email got hacked by brazillian gangs..they used it to spam another brazillian gang.

Bow down to the leet haxor skillz.


Reader Weekly got hacked too:

Wanted: Calling All Poets

That's the only explanation I can think of ...

Bill Kalligher. Now *that* was bad kharma for the Amazing Grace!

"Reader Weekly got hacked too"

Ha! Zzzzzzing!

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