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Havin a heat wave...


Apparently it's gonna be hot tomorrow.

I thought Tamara was exagerating when she mentioned this but I guess not.

I'll likely be chugging down a case of Gatorade at work tomorrow. I'll be on the roaster from about 6:30 to whenever I can get enough coffee roasted to cover the day.

Try to keep cool.


Holy hell on earth, I'm sick of summer.

An Inconvenient Truth is playing at the Duluth 10 multiplex. I hear it's air conditioned.

i hear the India Palace has the best AC in the city.

Ah, wake up and smell the global warming.

Smells like... feet wrapped in leathery burnt bacon.

wake up and smell the ozone, man...there IS no global warming! haven't you been paying attention to our nefarious governmental officials?

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