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Found Flowers

While hauling some stuff to my compost pile, i found to our delight a great number of these plants in bloom.
I know vegatables as i have a organic garden but know little of flowers.I am guessing these do not grow wild.
i took photos,thinking some one here might know?


We bought the house a year ago, it was built in 1886 and we are still making cool finds on the property.
last fall we discovered we had a rock garden that had been let go years ago. Along with everything else, we are refurbishing it.BTW this is our first time posting and we sadly are not geeks,so if we mess up forgive us
D&L aka eclectic poly pair


There are also a couple of more photos of these plants here

They are a form of Day lilly. Pretty sure they are not native, but are perennial, so someone planted them awhile ago and you get the rewards, YAY.

Welcome by the way

yup...day lilies...they multiply like...rabbits, too...each year, the patch gets larger. I just planted a clump of them beside my porch stairs, and we're getting blooms already.

these are infact as the others have said, the noble day lilly.

Yeah, we've got tons of those in our yard. Pretty.

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