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Harvey Plasch and Eric Huie host their 2nd annual Bar-B-Queer fundraiser for Duluth/Superior GLBTAQI* Pride Saturday, July 22nd, at their fantastic home from 7-11pm. Food and beverages are provided along with door prizes, games and hijinks.

Tickets ($30) are on sale now at Jitter's Coffee & Tea House and A Touch of Plasch in Duluth / The Main Club and JT's Bar & Grill in Superior. Limited space is available and Harvey needs to order the food, so get yours now, yo.

* Duluth/Superior Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Allied, Queer, Intersex Pride: 20 Years—Almost Legal! Celebrating 20 years of Pride in the Twin Ports.


Bizaar! I spent many a fourth of July and related summer parties in the company of Harvey since my mother works at his hair salon.

His parties are a lot of fun and I recomennd attending for a good cause and good food!

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