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Spent all of last week here. No news, no work. Lots of hikes and a close encounter with a snake or two. (No pictures of the snakes, was too busy getting out of their way to photograph them)

Small Flickr Set here


BTW. What ever happened to the NACPOD?

Thank you for sharing your pictures.

Small world. I was in Rapid City less than a month ago. http://zoyx.com/gallery/RapidCity

welcome back. gotta watch out for dem 'rattlers'.

enjoyed the photo set :)

thanks for the kind words...
Good question Sjixxxy, I think I left it in the couch cushions... er actually we certianlly can get together at any point we cn get three or more peep to show up. If you have a time and plce I'll try my damnest to show up with material

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