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Come buy my crap!

Garage Sale!
Today - Saturday

Thurs, June 1st - 3pm to 6pm
Fri, June 2nd, 9am - 6pm
Sat, June 3rd, 9am - 2pm

Mulit-Family sale with furniture, books, HH Misc & More!

320 East 5th Street - In alley


My horoscope told me that I would find a nice fez at a garage sale this summer.

Okay, that's not true. I've been wanting a fez for a long time. I'm starting to think that garage and/or yard sales are the only places I'm going to be able to find one.

vintage stereo equipment and video game systems are also a good find for tamara and I.

curtains for the kitchen, too.

we'll stop by tomorrow afternoon...

Dreams really can come true--I got a fez at a rummage sale thrown by my high school marching band once upon a time. (The 2nd chair bass clarinetist got it at the Shrine Circus back in the day. It had been autographed by a clown named "Stinky." I paid 5ยข more because of that.)

tis the season to move crap around, sell yours buy mine

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