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Barrett's post re: swimming gets me to thinking...and asking! For all PDDers who use St. Andrew's OR KNOW ANY ONE WHO DOES as a beach entry point...please encourage LEAVE NO TRACE...I've gone in here for years...and am glad to often see many of Duluth's rock-a-rati (most notably the Livingston clan) there enjoying the sun...but it's also become a haven for the leave the PBR or preimie in the sand crowd...so please dont be the butt end of the curse of st. andrew and keep the beach clean..oh yeah and this goes FOR THE REST OF THE LAKE TOO!...thanks ...BTW PDD beach party there some time...what say?


This takes me back as that's pretty much the only entry point I ever used on Park Point.

If anyone finds a pair of cat-eye sunglasses let me know. I lost a pair there in 1992.

This is my favorite entry-point! ...ahh, those log-rolling, raft-building saturdays.
I'll do my part to keep this spot clean!

Best Park Point beach spot ever. The big banks help cut the sound and the light to the surrounding homes/the street, keeping the po-po at bay.

Second best spot: that cove behind that retirement home place through the Lord of the Rings ravine... but I've already said too much.

We don't do much swimming but we do lots of rock hunting and stacking - great places for rocks are the harder-to-get places off the Lakewalk. Less people means more cool rocks. :)

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